1.1: The ASOCIACION ESPAñOLA DE CRICKET – hereafter referred to as the AEC – is constituted to act as the governing body for the administration and playing of the game of cricket within the Kingdom of Spain.
1.2: This Constitution represents a revision of the document approved on 22 January 1994 and amended on 5 November 1994 and again on 3 February 1996. It is intended to take account of the changing climate of cricket in Spain as well as experience of working under the earlier versions of the Constitution.
2.1: The primary objectives of the AEC are defined in its Mission Statement, as follows.
2.2: In addition, it is an aim of the AEC to seek Associate Membership of the International Cricket Council (ICC) at an appropriate time.
3.1: The administration of the AEC, and the management of its funds and property, shall be entrusted to the AEC Directorate. The Directorate shall comprise elected officers plus Directors appointed by the Chairman.
4.1: The following members of the Directorate shall be subject to election at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Nominations by 1 (one) AEC Member and seconding by 2 (two) other AEC Members must be submitted to the incumbent Secretary no later than 14 (fourteen) days before the AGM.
4.2: The following members of the Directorate shall be appointed by the Chairman.
The appointments of Director of Cricket and Director of Development must be made no later than 28 (twenty-eight) days after the AGM. Regional Directors shall be appointed as considered appropriate and necessary. Regions to be considered include Madrid; Barcelona; Costa Blanca and the east; Malaga and the south; Balearic Islands; Canary Islands.
4.3: All members of the Directorate must be Members of the AEC and have telephone and e-mail connections. All appointments shall be unpaid, though reasonable expenses may be considered in advance at the discretion of the Chairman plus the Director of Finance. Details are specified in the Finance Policy document.
4.4: Roles of the Directorate
4.4.1: The President shall represent the AEC in interactions with outside authorities including the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB), the ICC, the European Cricket Council (ECC), and other Test-Playing, Associate and Affiliate nations.
4.4.2: The Chairman shall serve as Chief Executive Officer for the AEC, being responsible for matters within Spain. The Job Holder shall chair all meetings of the Directorate, the AGM and Extraordinary General Meetings. The remaining members of the Directorate shall report to the Chairman.
4.4.3: The Director of Cricket shall be responsible for all matters relating to the actual playing of the game. As such, the Job Holder shall have responsibility for the National Teams at all levels, including selection, management and budgeting for tournaments; the leagues organised under the auspices of the AEC; the Umpires and Scorers; the ordering of equipment through recommended suppliers; interface with the National Coach. Reporting to the Director of Cricket shall be the Manager of Umpires/Scorers; the League Secretaries; the Team Managers and other team officials; the Equipment Manager.
4.4.4: The Director of Development shall be responsible for the introduction and progression of the game of cricket throughout Spain. The Job Holder shall pay particular attention to the encouragement of young people into the game by interaction with schools and colleges, and the recruitment, training and deployment of coaches. This aspect of the job shall involve collaboration with the Regional Directors and their respective Schools Liaison Officers (see paragraph 4.4.7). The job shall include the introduction of new clubs and players into the AEC, and the recommendations to purchase equipment to support their needs. All this will necessitate publicising the game in Spain and attracting sponsorship. Reporting to the Director of Development shall be the Sponsorship Manager, the Publicity Manager and the Website Coordinator.
4.4.5: The Director of Finance shall be responsible for the maintenance of the accounts and any other financial transactions coming under the auspices of the AEC. These accounts shall be updated at least monthly, and audited annually 1 (one) month before the AGM. The Job-Holder shall also issue AEC invoices promptly and ensure their payment. The Job Holder shall be a signatory on cheques issued on behalf of the AEC, according to the terms of the Financial Policy document.
4.4.6: The Secretary shall have a major coordinating role across the whole of the Directorate. The Job Holder shall also be responsible for convening meetings and for the dissemination of information within the AEC. Reporting to the Secretary shall be the Membership Secretary.
4.4.7: Regional Directors will be appointed by the Chairman when there is a perceived need for local representation of the best interests of the AEC in a specific region of Spain. There shall be close collaboration with the Director of Development in promoting the game in clubs, schools and colleges. The tenure of the appointment shall be dictated by operational needs. Reporting to each Regional Director shall be a Schools Liaison Officer.
4.5: Meetings of the Directorate shall be called as frequently as deemed necessary by the Chairman, specifically when important decisions are needed. They shall not be simply for the dissemination of information, which will be achieved electronically. Wherever and whenever possible, all members of the Directorate shall be expected to attend all meetings. An agenda and accompanying documentation necessary for each meeting shall be pre-circulated electronically by the Secretary at least 4 (four) days before the meeting. A record of the action points from the meeting will be prepared and circulated electronically within 4 (four) days after the meeting, to appropriate recipients, by the Secretary. The circulation list shall include: all members of the Directorate; AEC Members not affiliated to a Member Club or College; the contact person for each AEC Member Club and College, who will then become responsible for circulation to their AEC Members.
4.6: Elected members of the Directorate who do not wish to be considered for re-election shall send written notification to the Secretary or Chairman at least 30 (thirty) days before the scheduled date of the following AGM.
4.7: Appointed Directors and other Officials who wish to resign from their appointment shall give at least 30 (thirty) days’ written notification to the Chairman. If the Chairman terminates an appointment, the Job Holder shall be given written notification.
4.8: Whenever deemed necessary, the Directorate is empowered to co-opt additional persons and convene Sub-Committees with a remit of addressing specific issues.
4.9: Only members of the Directorate, when corresponding on official AEC business, are entitled to use the official AEC letterhead and logo.
4.10: Whenever appropriate, and in recognition of distinguished services to the AEC, the Directorate is empowered to award the title of ‘Honorary Life Vice-President’ to worthy persons. Such awards must be unanimously supported by the Directorate and ratified by vote at the AGM.
5.1: The AGM of the AEC shall normally be held during January each year; attendance is restricted to Members.
5.2: A notice period of 40 (forty) days shall be given. Agenda items and nominations for Officers must be received by the Secretary no later than 30 (thirty) days before the date of the meeting. Resolutions must be accompanied by a written (or electronic) supporting case, and the Member moving the Resolution shall normally be expected to attend the AGM to present the case and respond to questions. Nominations for Officers shall be as specified in paragraph 4.1.
5.3: The agenda shall be circulated by the Secretary at least 14 (fourteen) days before the meeting, and shall include at least the following items.
5.4: A quorum shall comprise 15 (fifteen) Members. In the event of a failure to obtain a quorum, the meeting shall be cancelled and the Directorate shall have the authority to take decisions on any outstanding issues.
5.5: For Members unable to attend the AGM, apologies for absence shall be sent to the Secretary, and postal votes are admissible if received by the Secretary (in writing or electronically) at least 3 (three) days before the AGM.
5.6: The minutes of the AGM shall be circulated by the Secretary within 7 (seven) days after the meeting.
5.7: The circulation list shall include: all members of the Directorate; AEC Members not affiliated to a Member Club or College; the contact person for each AEC Member Club and College, who will then become responsible for circulation to their AEC Members.
6.1: An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be requested by the Directorate or by any group of at least 20 (twenty) Members. The reasons for the request must be stated in writing (or electronically) to the Secretary. The Secretary shall schedule the meeting within 40 (forty) days after receipt of the request.
6.2: The agenda shall be circulated by the Secretary at least 14 (fourteen) days before the meeting.
6.3: The Members requesting the EGM must attend the EGM to present the case and respond to questions.
6.4: A quorum shall comprise 15 (fifteen) members. In the event of a failure to obtain a quorum, the meeting shall be cancelled and the status quo shall continue.
6.5: For Members unable to attend the EGM, apologies for absence shall be sent to the Secretary, and postal votes are admissible if received by the Secretary (in writing or electronically) at least 3 (three) days before the EGM.
6.6: The minutes of the EGM shall be circulated by the Secretary within 7 (seven) days after the meeting.
6.7: The circulation list shall include: all members of the Directorate; AEC Members not affiliated to a Member Club or College; the contact person for each AEC Member Club and College, who will then become responsible for circulation to their AEC Members.
7.1: Membership of the AEC is open to any recognised cricket club or sporting organisation in Spain, any college or other academic institution in Spain, individual members of any of the clubs and institutions previously mentioned and non affiliated individuals resident in Spain who play or are committed to cricket in Spain. Membership is subject to the approval of the directorate.
7.2: AEC Membership of Clubs, Colleges, other organisations, and individual persons (irrespective of whether they are affiliated to clubs, colleges or other organisations) is contingent upon full and accurate completion of AEC Membership Forms and compliance with the AEC conditions of Membership. Member Clubs, Colleges and other organisations shall ensure that the AEC is provided, on an ongoing basis, with up-to-date information (as defined in the Membership Forms) on new and existing Members.
7.3: Membership shall be dependent, both in the first year and subsequent years, upon full payment by March 31st of the year in question of the subscription set by the directorate and ratified by the General Assembly. Late payment of membership fees may incur a financial penalty. No club, institution or individual shall be llowed to take part in any AEC competition, or meetings, or play for any of the national teams if they are not in good standing with the AEC.
7.4: Only current Members of the AEC are eligible for the privileges defined in the official AEC Notes accompanying the Membership Forms.
7.5: Members of the AEC are expected to support the aims and objectives of the AEC, and to adhere to the Constitution and the conditions of Membership. Failure to comply may result in their Membership status being terminated by the Directorate
7.6: While it is recognised that AEC Members would wish to generate funds for their own clubs, AEC Members may also consider obtaining grants and sponsorship to support the AEC.
8.1: All cricket matches and competitions organised by, and played under the auspices of, the AEC shall comply with the current Laws of Cricket, except in specific instances approved by the Directorate.
8.2: Only current Members of the AEC are eligible to take part in Leagues organised and played under the auspices of the AEC, and to represent Spain internationally; however, other qualification criteria may also apply.
9.1: Child Protection Policy
…….(name of club) Cricket Club has, as closely as and where possible, adopted the English Cricket Board’s Child Protection Policy, “Safe Hands Welfare of Young People Policy”. A copy of this policy is available to all parents and helpers and can be accessed via
…….(name) Cricket Club intends that all young people who are members of the club, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability, have the right to be protected and to participate in cricket within a safe environment.
Adults working on behalf of …….(name of club) CC will provide a safe, positive and fun cricketing experience for young people. All adults working with young people at …….(name of club) CC – volunteers, coaches, umpires and scorers – will understand and be supported in their role and responsibility with regard to the duty of care for young people.
Individuals will receive support through education and training, to be aware of and understand best practise and how to manage any welfare issues which may come to light. All suspicions and allegations will be taken seriously, managed and dealt with swiftly and appropriately by …….(name of club) Cricket Club.
The identified Welfare Officer for …….(name of club) CC is …………..(name of personnel).
All concerns regarding this policy or the welfare of young people who are members of the club should be expressed to him/her. In the event of a concern about the conduct of the Club Welfare Officer, concerns should be expressed to the club President, …….(name of president), via the club Secretary, ……. (name of secretary).
Coaches/Team Managers will be aware of and follow, where possible, the Code of Conduct for Cricket Staff and Volunteers set out in appendix 1 of ‘Safe Hands Welfare of Young People Policy’.
Coaches/Team Managers are expected to communicate all transport/playing arrangements for games with parents and juniors with good notice.
Parents are encouraged to become involved in …….(name of club) CC and particularly in helping with junior cricket. Parents who become involved on a regular bases will be made aware of ………(name of club) CC Youth Policy, be provided with reading materials, receive full support from coaches/team managers, and if requested be given the opportunity for further training.
Parent helpers are expected to assist the club in fulfilling its ethos as set out in the introduction to this policy and should make themselves aware of the contents of ‘Safe Hand Welfare of Young People Policy’.
Parents involved in transporting young people to cricket matches and coaching sessions are expected to be aware of and follow relevant guidelines set out in the policy.
All parents are asked to encourage your child to talk to you about their experiences of cricket and their club and ensure they know how to voice their concerns if they are not happy about any aspect of their club participation.
Inform the club Welfare Officer of any concerns over child protection/welfare issues connected with cricket.
Ensure that the club holds up to date medical and contact information about your child.
Photographs/video clips may be taken during cricket playing of members of the club, including junior members, for the purpose of publicity, training programmes or newspaper/web site cricket reports. It is important that any parent who does not wish photos/video clips to be take of their child expresses this at the time of their child joining. All photos/video clips held by the club are available to view, if a parent should wish to see them.
All playing members of ……..(name of club) CC are expected to help the club fulfil its ethos, by respecting the rights of other young people to participate in and enjoy cricket in a safe and fun environment. Any conduct or behaviour that is dangerous or detrimental to the welfare or safety of other young cricketers (whether members of this club or other clubs) will not be accepted.
Any abusive or overly critical language to other young cricketers will not be accepted. Young cricketers should report any concerns they have to their coach/team manager or to the clubs welfare officer.
The Club will provide a safe environment for young people to practise and play cricket. The club will ensure that they have a named Welfare officer and the capacity and equipment to deliver first aid. This club will hold up to date cover through a Public Liability & Personal Accident Insurance Policy.
All young people who regularly participate in cricket through ……..(name of club) CC should be registered as members of the club and have paid the annual subscription
Parents should ensure that the contact details and medical details for their child are completed and kept up to date.
The club will ensure that essential kit is provided (bats/balls/pads/gloves/helmets). Any young person able to bring their own kit is asked to ensure it is clearly named.
The club is responsible for ensuring that basic first aid equipment is available at each practice and match.
Parents are asked to ensure that their child wears suitable clothing and footwear at matches and practise nets.
Parents will be contacted in the event of injury of their child.
All young people should be signed in at the beginning of session. Anyone leaving practise early should inform the coach. We ask that parents collect their child promptly at the end of practise sessions.
If practice finishes early due to poor weather, every effort will be made to contact parents. Parents must ensure that they have left up to date contact details with the club.
Correct equipment must be worn at all times when a hard ball is being used. Young people must act with their own safety, and the safety of others in mind at all times.
…….(name of club) CC accepts no responsibility for young people who do not follow the above guidelines.
The rules set out above for practise apply for matches. Additionally two adults must accompany each team to a competitive match. Parental help is vital to ensuring that this level of supervision is provided.
Parents will be told transportation arrangements in advance.
The Coach/Team Manager will be contactable by mobile phone throughout the duration of the match for emergency contact.
9.2 : Diversity Policy-
As the governing body for the sport of cricket in Spain, CE is responsible for ensuring that the highest standards of moral and ethical behaviour are applied and upheld throughout the sport at every level.
(a)CE and all of its Members shall promote and encourage participation at all levels regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, disability, national or ethnic origin.
(b)CE and all of its Members shall ensure that there is no discrimination in any form against any person because of race, colour, religion, sex, disability, national or ethnic origin.
(c)CE and all of its Members shall ensure that the provisions of all CE Rules and Regulations are applied without regard to race, colour, religion, sex, disability, national or ethnic origin
(d) All Members of CE shall incorporate the provisions of this CE Diversity Code in their Constitutions, Disciplinary Codes and Statutes so that it is fully applicable to all matches played under the auspices of CE.
(e) CE and all of its Members shall implement the provisions of the CE Code of Conduct for players, team officials, umpires and spectators prohibiting racially or sexually abusive comments and actions against fellow players, officials and spectators, or discrimination against disabled persons through similar comments and actions .
(f) CE and all of its Members shall publicise and implement the following policy statement: “Spectators shall not engage in any conduct, act towards or speak to any player, umpire, referee or other official or other spectators in a manner which offends, insults, humiliates, intimidates, threatens, disparages or vilifies that other person on the basis of that other person’s race, religion, colour, sex, disability, national or ethnic origin.”
(g)CE and all of its Members, particularly those preparing to host an CE event of any nature shall ensure that all ground venues adopt and conform
to the following diversity process:
A statement along the following lines should be well publicised stating something along the following lines.
“Spectators are reminded that racially or sexually abusive comments and actions, or discrimination against disable persons through similar comments and action will result in ejection from the ground and possible further action such as criminal prosecution, identification by way of photographing and/or capturing by video camera of the images of such persons and bans being imposed on such persons.”
CE and all of its Members should ensure that appropriate signs or posters are displayed at entrances to stadia, at prominent places in the stadia which are clearly visible to spectators.
Messages that convey the intent of the policy statement should be prominently and regularly displayed upon electronic scoreboards and communicated in an
audible manner to spectators by way of public address announcements. Where these facilities are not available, proportionate alternative measures should be implemented.
CE will immediately implement the following measures against offenders as envisaged in the diversity statement:
ejection from the ground
identification by way of photographing and/or capturing by video camera of the images of such persons to assist with prosecution and/or imposition of a life ban.
(h)CE and all of its Members shall ensure that ground officials and stewards at all venues are trained to take action against racist or sexist chanting, or abuse and any offensive comments made towards disabled persons.
(i) CE and its Members shall ensure that all venues take all reasonable measures to ensure that there is no sale or distribution of racist, sexist literature and/or any other material in or around the ground on match days that would be deemed offensive to disabled persons.
1 Any spectator engaging in the conduct as envisaged above may be subject to the
following action:-
have their image photographed or otherwise recorded in order that a data base be produced and maintained of such offenders;
be ejected from the stadium;
be charged with the relevant criminal offence in the host country for such racist, sexist Conduct, or conduct offensive to disabled persons;
be banned from life for attending cricket matches at the relevant stadium.
1 Pursuant to such conduct as envisaged above the relevant hosting Member may
be reported to the CE directorate .
2 Under the CE Disciplinary Process a range of penalties may be imposed including but
not limited to:
A warning (given together with certain corrective action)
A fine imposed on the team under whose jurisdiction the breach occurred.
A fine imposed on an individual who is found to be culpable for the breach.
Withdrawal or suspension for a period of time of their CE status.
Suspension or ban from holding office (voluntary or paid) within CE
CE and its Members shall engage in training and awareness raising events and activities to promote the eradication of all forms of discrimination within their own organisations.
Cricket España Directorate September 2009.
Ratified Cricket España AGM January 2010
9.3 : Code of Good Governance (In Spanish)
9:4 No alteration to this Constitution shall be made without the approval of the Directorate and ratification of the AGM.